Sunday, May 10, 2009

SonyEricsson 秘籍

  原装的真爱立信手机电池上的产品标签颜色偏黄,在边缘空白处 用手指甲划过后,对着光线能看到明显的划痕;而假手机电池的标签 却是纯白色,用指甲划过后则看不出划痕。真爱立信手机电池标签上 的爱立信商标--三个斜横道,每一横道的边缘都能看到有毛刺;而假冒手机电池标签上的爱立信商标三个斜横道,每个横道边缘则非常 光滑。此外,揭开标签后,真爱立信手机电池内放置的几节小电池较长,正好将几个电池槽上下填满;而冒的手机电池因使用是的较短的 普遍7号电池,所以在电池槽中顶部空余出一截地方。

981125 1213。


- *#0000#:查看网络全称
进入网络菜单,当手机显示网络 可用时键入*,即可显示网络全称
接口: 底部 视图 键盘 朝上 从右边数
- 1 = 外部电源 (7.2Volt - 600mA)
- 2 = RS232 输入 (TTL)
- 3 = 地 (数字 )
- 4 = RS232 输出 (TTL)
- 5 = 5V 输出
- 6 = 测试 (0=普通 - 1=测试 模式 )
- 7 = 静音
- 8 = 内部 /外部 MIC 和 耳机 (0=外部 1 (open)= 内部
- 9 = 地 (模拟 )
- 10 = ?
- 11 = BF输入
- 12 = BF 输出



  GSM系统全名为“全球移动通讯系统”(Global System for Mobile communication),是一种数码式的移动通讯技术。GSM将传输的数据数码化并进行压缩,然后送到一个频道上与其他另外两组的频道数据流一起进行传送,每个传送的频道都有其所属的时间间隔(Time Slot).GSM使用的波段有900MHZ和1800MHZ,也就是所谓的GSM900和GSM1800系统,目前GSM系统传输速度为9.6KBPS。同时,由于许多国家之间有所谓的漫游协议,所以GSM用户能够漫游到许多国家。

2. GPRS系统

  GPRS全名为“通用数据包无线系统(General Packet Radio System).是一个以数据包为基础(Packet-Base)的无线通讯系统。GPRS技术源自于GSM技术。GPRS的传输速度为56K到171.2KBPS,同时可提供用户与互联网及电脑的连接。GPRS是数据包基础的系统,因此,其成本较电路交换型网络低。由于使用数据包传送不会将整个线路都占有,只有在需要的时候才送出数据包,相对于电路交换型网络一旦接通就完全占有线路,数据包传送的效率较佳。同时,GPRS可与蓝牙技术(IBM开发的无线通信科技,主要使用在数百米内的短距离数据传输)。GPRS也支持IP和X。25协议,与互联网的兼容性更佳。

⒊ CDMA系统

  CDMA全名为“码分多路复用”(Code Division Multiple Access),其运作方式不同于一般的移动电话,是全新的无线通信观念。CDMA理论发展于1940年代,是美国军方已使用多年的技术,直到1991年才有美国Qualcomm公司推广到民生用途上。到目前为止,其共有CDMA IS-95,IS-41,IS-96,IS-99,IS-364等标准。CDMA的运作是利用展频(Spread Spectrum)技术,所谓的展频就是将所想要传递的信息加入一个特定的信号后,在一个比原来信号还大的宽带上传输开来。当基地接受到信号后,再将此特定信号删除还原成原来的信号。这样做的好处在于其隐密性与安全性好。事实上,CDMA系统的好处还有很多,如:其功率需求小;话不易中断;信品质好,几乎接近一般有线电话的品质;系统容量大,是GSM的4~5倍;同时,其系统建置快。

⒋ PHS系统

  PHS全名为“个人手机系统”(Personal Handyphone System),由日本电报公司(NTT:Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation)所开发出来的系统,利用数码传送方式结合先进的无线电接取技术和智能型数码网络能力。PHS是利用较低的功率发射无线电波信号,故涵盖范围较小,较适合城市型区域,相对地,费率也较低。PHS提供完整的通信服务,其完整的数据传输能力能够支持无线多媒体通信,其次,PHS也提供多种上网接口,如:无线电接取,电话线路,光纤电缆等,又由于其基地设计非常轻便,能够支持到如KTV。街道。公园和车站等,好让用户在日常生活中享有便利的通信服务,其语音的传输速度为32KBPS,可以利用频道合并的方式与ISDN兼容,如将两个语音频道结合起来就可以接入ISDN的B频道进行64KBPS的传输。

⒌ 第三代移动通信科技——3G

  第三代移动通信(3G:Third Generation Technology)是最新一代的移动通信科技,其最高传输速度为2MBPS,为目前GSN系统传输速度的两百倍以上。能够提供完整的多媒体支持,未来将结合移动通讯产品,消费性电子商品,家电用品等,不仅可以利用移动通信工具上网,还可以下载MP3,下载电视节目等结合影音图象的多媒体服务,并开创出全新的无线生活新领域。

Disabling the Windows XP Welcome screen.

Disabling the Windows XP Welcome screen.

1. Click Start, Settings, and Control Panel.

2. Open User Accounts.

3. Click "Change the way users log on or off".

4. Uncheck the "Use the Welcome screen".

5. Click "Apply Options"

Disabling the Windows XP login prompt for password.

Disabling startup login prompt for password

1. Click Start, and Run

2. Type "Control Userpasswords2" and press enter.

3. Uncheck the box for "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer."

4. Click Apply and Ok.

Disabling prompt for password after Windows XP resumes from standby or hibernation

1. Click Start, Settings, and Control Panel

2. Double click Power Options

3. Uncheck the "Prompt for password when computer resumes from standby" option.

4. Click Apply and then Ok.


第一怕:水 潮湿: 避免在潮湿的环境(海边/雨中)使用手机,以免大量水气侵入电路板形成水渍,造成短路,或使金属接口氧化。因为假如充电孔氧化,充电时易发生烧机的危险。应适度地使用手机,使其内部产生一定的温度,自然蒸发平常所累积的水气。而假如手机闲置长期不使用,需加以非凡的防潮处理。 泡水:很明显,什么玩意儿泡过水以后还能活蹦乱跳的? 硫磺:在硫磺重的的地方应避免使用手机,以免加重金属氧化情形。

第二怕:灰尘: 灰尘的累积也会访爱电路板接点间的电流传导。 油脂:手机面板长期贴面使用,脸部的油脂有可能渗入机身,污染内部线路,造成损害!

第三怕:热 高温: 手机应避免受热曝晒。尤其是夏天汽车内的高温,轻易让电路板或电池因高温产生变化,萤幕也轻易因材质变化而扭曲变形。 温差:手机进出空调房间时产生的温差,冷空气所凝成的水气可能会腐蚀电路板,造成电子零部件短路,影响手机寿命!

第四怕:摔 碰撞: 基本常识,机械碰撞轻易受损。 挤压:手机受力压迫,伤害虽不至于像摔机般直接,但某些萤幕出现黑点的情况,大多是液晶受挤压破裂流出所造成。因为液晶萤幕所能承受的压力相当有限,使用者千万要注重!

第五怕:电 电池: 若非使用原厂电池,手机与电池间的接点密合度就不如原厂电池。长期晃动下来,有可能会有接点松弛,轻易发生瞬间断电的情。
























  *#8110#显示软件版本和手机制造的日期*#06#显示 I号





  SIM卡(Subscriber Identity Module) ,即用户识别卡, 它是一张符合GSM规范的“聪明卡”,SIM卡有大小之分,大卡尺寸54mm×84mm(约为名片大小),小卡尺寸为25mm×15mm(比普通邮票还小)。其实“大卡”上面真正起作用的是它上面的那张“小卡”,“小卡”上起作用的部分只有小指甲盖那么大。目前国内流行样式是“小卡”,小卡也可以换成“大卡”(有个卡托即可)。“大卡”和“小卡” 分别适用于不同类型的GSM移动电话,早期的机型如摩托罗拉GC87C、308C等手机用的是“大卡”,现在新出的机型基本上都是用“小卡”。 SIM 卡可以插入任何一部符合GSM规范的移动电话中,“实现电话号码随卡不随机的功能”,而通话费则自动计入持卡用户的帐单上,与手机无关。


  ①PIN码(Personal Identity Number):个人识别码,也叫PIN1码,长4位,由用户自己设定,是属于SIM卡的密码,用来保护SIM卡的安全,初始状态是不激活的。启动该功能后,每次用户重新开机后,GSM系统就要和手机之间进行自动鉴别,判定SIM卡的合法性,即和手机对“口令”,只有在系统认可后,才为该用户提供服务。


  ③PUK(PIN Unblocking Key):PUK码是解PIN码的万能锁,每张SIM卡有各自对应的PUK码,长8位,可以交由用户自己治理,也可以由网络运营商自己控制。目前国内移动局基本都已开通查询PUK的业务,用户可以自己治理PUK码。

 ①SIM卡的日常使用中该注意什么?一是请勿将卡弯曲,卡上的金属芯片更应小心保护,保持金属芯片清洁(可用酒精棉球轻擦),避免沾染尘埃及化学物品; 二是为保护金属芯片 氡苊饩=玈IM卡从手机中抽出;请勿将SIM卡置于超过85度或低于-35度的环境中;在取出或放入SIM卡前,请先关闭手机电源;三是最好不要用手去触摸那些触点,以防止静电损坏。

  ② SIM卡被锁怎么办?导致这种锁卡现象的发生原因一般都是用户在启动PIN码保护功能后不慎将PIN码忘记,在错误的输入三次PIN码后SIM自动上锁,手机无法接入网络,提示要求输入PUK码。此时若您不知道PUK码,那么请不要再尝试输入PIN码了,请携带有关凭证(比如手机使用证,俗称无委证、身份证)和手机到移动局或者联通的营业厅去解开(免费)。若您输入10次错误的PIN码,那么SIM卡的自杀程序将自动启动,将SIM烧毁,这样您将需要花费人民币100元来重新办理一张新的SIM卡。

  ③ SIM卡遗失或者被窃后该做什么?当您遭遇到这种情况后,请立即携带有关证件到移动局或者联通营业厅去申请挂失,避免SIM卡被盗用,给您造成经济损失,并重新补办一张新的SIM卡。

  ④SIM卡插入手机后开机出现出错信息怎么办?一是出现手机插入SIM卡开机后无任何反应或插入SIM卡显示出错(Bad Card/SIM Error)时,表示可能:SIM卡开关不良、接触不良、或使用废卡均会出现这样的问题。如果换新卡后故障仍然存在,那么故障一般发生在SIM卡供电部分。在SIM卡插座的供电端、时钟端、数据端,开机瞬间可用示波器观察到读卡信号,如无此信号,应为SIM卡供电开关周边电阻电容元件与卡脱焊问题。二是SIM卡在一部手机上可以用,在另一部手机上不能用,可能是在手机中已经设置“网络限制”和“用户限制”功能。可以通过16位网络控制码(NCK)、用户控制码(SPCK)启动该手机的限制功能,这种故障需要网络运营商解决,有时是SIM卡供电偏低或接触不良造成。

  四、SIM 卡知识进阶





Saturday, May 9, 2009

How to Repair your windows boot in dos

How to Repair your windows boot in dos

1) press 1
2) admin password (blank)
3) fixboot~ Press enter ~write Y ~Press enter
4) fixmbr~Press enter ~write Y ~Press enter
5) write exit ~ press enter

How to back up and to restore Outlook Express data

Copy Mail Files to a Backup Folder
To make a backup copy of your Outlook Express e-mail message files:

1.On the Tools menu, click Options.
2.On the Maintenance tab, click Store Folder.
3.Select the folder location, and then press CTRL+C to copy the location.
4.Click Cancel, and then click Cancel again to close the dialog box.
5.Click Start, and then click Run.
6.In the Open box, press CTRL+V, and then click OK.
7.On the Edit menu, click Select All.
8.On the Edit menu, click Copy, and then close the window.
9.Right-click any empty space on your desktop, click New, and then click Folder.
10.Type mail backup for the folder name, and then press ENTER.
11.Double-click the Mail Backup folder to open it.
12.On the Edit menu, click Paste.
13.Close the Mail Backup window.

Export Your Outlook Express Address Book

1.On the File menu, click Export, and then click Address Book.
2.Click Text File (Comma Separated Values), and then click Export.
3.Click Browse.
4.Locate the Mail Backup folder that you created.
5.In the File Name box, type address book backup, and then click Save.
6.Click Next.
7.Click to select the check boxes for the fields that you want to export, and then click Finish.
8.Click OK and then click Close.

Export the Mail Setting Account to a File
To make a backup copy of your Outlook Express mail account:

1.On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
2.On the Mail tab, click the mail account that you want to export, and then click Export.
3.In the Save In box, locate the Mail Backup folder on your desktop, and then click Save.
4.Repeat these steps for each mail account that you want to export.
5.Click Close.

Export the Newsgroup Settings Account to a File
To make a backup copy of your Outlook Express news accounts:

1.2On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
2.On the News tab, click the news account that you want to export, and then click Export.
3.In the Save In box, use locate the Mail Backup folder on your desktop, and then click Save.
4.Repeat these steps for each news account that you want to export.
5.Click Close.

How to Back Up Blocked Senders List and Other Mail Rules
The Blocked Senders List

1.Click Start, and then click Run.
2.In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
3.Locate and click the following registry subkeys (save each key to a different file):
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\{Identity Number}\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0\Block Senders
4.On the Registry menu, click Export Registry File.
5.In the Save In box, change the location to your desktop.
6.In the File Name box, type blocked senders.reg (for the Block Senders key), and then click Save.

Other Mail Rules
1.Click Start, and then click Run.
2.In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
3.Locate and click the following registry subkeys (save each key to a different file):
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\{Identity Number}\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0\Rules\Mail

4.On the Registry menu, click Export Registry File.
5.In the Save In box, change the location to your desktop.
6.In the File Name box, type mail rules.reg (for the mail rules key), and then click Save.
7.On the Registry menu, click Exit.

How to back up Outlook Express items

Step 1: Copy message files to a backup folder
Step A: Locate the Store folder
Start Outlook Express.
Click Tools, and then click Options.
On the Maintenance tab, click Store Folder.
In the Store Location dialog box, copy the store location. To do this, follow these steps:
Put the mouse pointer at one end of the box under the Your personal message store is located in the following folder box.
Press and hold the left mouse button, and then drag the mouse pointer across the Your personal message store is located in the following folder box.
Press CTRL+C to copy the location.
Click Cancel, and then click Cancel again to close the dialog box.

Step B: Copy the contents of the Store folder
Click Start, click Run, press CTRL+V, and then click OK.
On the Edit menu, click Select All.
On the Edit menu, click Copy, and then close the window.

Step C: Create a backup folder
Right-click any empty area on your desktop, click New, and then click Folder.
Type Mail Backup for the folder name, and then press ENTER.

Step D: Paste the contents of the Store folder into the backup folder
Double-click the Mail Backup folder to open it.
Right-click inside the Mail Backup folder window, and then click Paste.

Step 2: Export the Address Book to a .csv file
Important Make sure that you follow this step if you use multiple identities in Outlook Express.

Microsoft Outlook Express 5.x and Microsoft Outlook Express 6.0 use a Windows Address Book (.wab) file to store Address Book data. The individual data for each identity is stored in a folder by user name within the .wab file that is used.

The only way to separate the Address Book data for different identities is to export the data to a .csv file while you are logged in as a specific identity. If the .wab file becomes dissociated from the user identities, the data can be exported only as one total. In this case, the data cannot be exported folder by folder.

There is another reason to export the .wab file to a .csv file. If the .wab file not exported to a .csv file, but the .wab file is shared with Microsoft Outlook, the addresses are stored in the personal folders (.pst) file in Outlook. When you export the file to a .csv file by using the File menu in Outlook Express, the correct contacts are exported. However, if the Address Book is shared with Outlook, you cannot use the File menu option to export from the Address Book. This option is unavailable.

To export the Address Book to a .csv file, follow these steps:

On the File menu, click Export, and then click Address Book.
Click Text File (Comma Separated Values), and then click Export.
Click Browse.
Select the Mail Backup folder that you created.
In the File Name box, type address book backup, and then click Save.
Click Next.
Click to select the check boxes for the fields that you want to export, and then click Finish.
Click OK, and then click Close.

Step 3: Export the mail account to a file
On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
On the Mail tab, click the mail account that you want to export, and then click Export.
In the Save In box, select the Mail Backup folder, and then click Save.
Repeat these steps for each mail account that you want to export.
Click Close.

Step 4: Export the newsgroup account to a file
On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
On the News tab, click the news account that you want to export, and then click Export.
In the Save In box, select the Mail Backup folder, and then click Save.
Repeat these steps for each news account that you want to export.
Click Close.

How to restore Outlook Express items

Note To restore items when you use multiple identities in Outlook Express, you may have to re-create the identities before you follow these steps. Repeat each step as needed for each identity.

Step 1: Import messages from the backup folder
On the File menu, point to Import, and then click Messages.
In the Select an e-mail program to import from box, click Microsoft Outlook Express 5 or Microsoft Outlook Express 6, and then click Next.
Click Import mail from an OE5 store directory or Import mail from an OE6 store directory, and then click OK.
Click Browse, and then click the Mail Backup folder.
Click OK, and then click Next.
Click All folders, click Next, and then click Finish.

Step 2: Import the Address Book file
On the File menu, click Import, and then click Other Address Book.
Click Text File (Comma Separated Values), and then click Import.
Click Browse.
Select the Mail Backup folder, click the address book backup.csv file, and then click Open.
Click Next, and then click Finish.
Click OK, and then click Close.

Step 3: Import the mail account file
On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
On the Mail tab, click Import.
In the Look In box, select the Mail Backup folder.
Click the mail account that you want to import, and then click Open.
Repeat these steps for each mail account that you want to import.
Click Close.

Step 4: Import the newsgroup account file
On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
On the News tab, click Import.
In the Look In box, select the Mail Backup folder.
Click the news account that you want to import, and then click Open.
Repeat these steps for each news account that you want to import.
Click Close.

Microsoft Outlook Express 6.0
Microsoft Outlook Express 5.5
Microsoft Outlook Express 5.01 Service Pack 2
Microsoft Outlook Express 5.0
Microsoft Outlook Express 5.01 Service Pack 1
Microsoft Outlook Express 5.01
Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition